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Lost-Vinyl – Freeware

LoFi effects allows you to obtain vintage aka old-school sound. Here you can obtain the classic vinyl effect with background scratchy noise and more.

Vinyl record was the primary medium used for music reproduction throughout the 20th century. Lost-vinyls shape with character your sound with state of the art distortion algorithms. Plugins can be used mainly on instruments (like guitar, vocals or keyboards.), but also on stem track like drum-kit or stacked chord track.
Good to know, as an analog hardware, more the input signal amplitude is large, more harmonic distortion is high.

  • Vinyl-type buttons affects mainly the frequency bandwith.
  • Artifact add glitch and increase distorsion.
  • Depth increase the tape effect.
  • Rate increase flutter frequency
  • Crunch button add more harmonic distorsion.
  • Mix effect allow you to mix dry sound and effected sound to obtain a kind of Chorus.
  • Noise slider allow you to increase noise volume.
  • Stereo mode add unique wide stereo (especialy effective on synth lead or electric keyboard).


  • Resizable Gui
  • Strong anti-aliasing algorithm
  • Low cpu consumption
  • Cross-platform
  • Built-in preset
  • Operatings systems : Windows 7/8/10/11 – Linux 64bit – MacOs
  • Plugin format : VST3 – AudioUnit
  • Audio host buffer size : [64, 128, 256, 512, 1024, 2048]
  • Sampling frequency : [44.1KHz ; 192KHz]
  • FLStudio user please set fixed buffer length from plugin setting window, activate Processing>Use fixed size buffers->ProcessMaximumBufferSize .



Lost-Vinyl Win64 Version1.3.0



Lost-Vinyl Linux Version 1.3.0



Lost-Vinyl_MacOS_Universal 1.3.0


7 commentaires sur “Lost-Vinyl – Freeware”

  1. Retour de ping : Superfly SP Releases FREE Lost-Vinyls Lo-Fi VST Plugin - Bedroom Producers Blog

  2. Retour de ping : Superfly DSP Release FREE Lost Vinyls Plugin - The Beat Community

  3. Retour de ping : FREE Plugins Report – October 19th, 2022 | Plugin Deals

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